All material contained within the site are the copyright of Hargeo (www.hargeo.com). All rights are reserved. No part of the web site may be reproduced, distributed, translated, adapted, used, copied or distributed in any material form, including commercial and/or private purpose whatsoever without prior written permission from Hargeo (www.hargeo.com).
Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) do not accept any responsibility of damages to loss of data price information, availability information and product description information is subject to change without notice.
We do our best to ensure that information on the site is correct, Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) do not warrant or represent any information viewed and accessed on the site is accurate, current and/or complete. We do not in any circumstance accept any liability whatsoever for error or omission.
In the unlikely event a product has an incorrect price Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) reserves the right to cancel and/or refuse your order. This also applies if your order has been received by us and confirmed by our head office. If this situation arises Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) will email you as soon as it has come to our knowledge by email.
In addition our prices are adjusted on a daily basis, this due to the currency deficit and price purchasing value changes. We will not be able to match or make any changes or adjustments on an item you may have previously purchased from this web site.
All shortages and damages must be notified to us within 7 days of delivery via telephone or email at info@hargeo.com as soon as possible, please include your company name, order ID number.
Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) including its employees and/or directors and/or any associated representatives will not be liable for any damages, loss of income and/or profit and/or any third party claims and/or damages and/or loss of property. This also applies to all damages of any kind, including compensatory and/or indirect and/or direct and/or consequential, whether this may arise in connection and/or out of connection with the use of Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) web site and products.
These terms and conditions and your use of this site shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
All of the above terms and conditions on this web site are copyright of Hargeo (www.hargeo.com) and should not be copied or used in any way or form.